
Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep Related Breathing Disorders include various diseases, the common effect of which is hypoxia caused by abnormal breathing during rest. The most often occurring is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This disease manifests itself with repeated episodes of respiratory arrest or breath shallowing during sleep, caused by temporary, partial or complete, obstruction of the upper respiratory tract. This leads to hypoxia of internal organs and a number of harmful consequences, such as: secondary and resistant hypertension, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmias, depression, impotence or traffic accidents caused by pathological somnolence.

Despite the growing awareness of patients and doctors, OSA is still rarely diagnosed, what may be caused by insufficient availability of diagnostic devices as well as difficulties in performing tests. We at Healthnomic are aware of how problematic a polysomnographic examination during hospitalization can be for a patient. Also we know that limited access to diagnostics causes frequent delays in starting treatment, and thus the intensification and persistence of OSA complications.

An ideal alternative is a high-quality polygraphy performed at home. That's what Healthnomic offers.

Performing polygraphy at home brings many benefits, including:

cost reduction as there is no need to admit the patient to the ward for OSA examination,
the test is performed in the patient's natural sleeping environment, i.e. at his home,
polygraphy result is the basis for a diagnosis of OSA, as well as justification for referring the patient for further, extended diagnostics or treatment.

Clinics using the Healthnomic device gain huge value on the local market - they have an innovative diagnostic system in their portfolio. In addition, Healthnomic offers technical support and training in the use of the device and system, as well as remote supervision over examinations performed by patients and the possibility of consulting the results with a specialist.

Holter ECG

A Holter-ECG is an examination of the electrical activity of the heart over a long period of time (at least of 24 hours). The device is delivered to the patient's home, where, during the patient's daily routine, it records the electrical activity of the heart, thus enabling the diagnosis of rhythm and conduction disorders as well as ischemic changes.

The numerous indications for Holter diagnostics, listed below, justify the fact that this test is extremely valuable in primary and secondary prevention of numerous health complications.


Among symptomatic patients:

  • Patients with unexplained syncope, pre-syncope, dizziness of unclear etiology,
  • Patients with unexplained recurrent palpitations,
  • Patients with ischemic stroke of unclear etiology and suspected paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or flutter (arrhythmias with increasing age-related morbidity),
  • Patients with unexplained episodes of dyspnoea, chest pain or weakness (e.g. diagnosis for ischemic heart disease),
  • Patients with unexplained syncope, pre-syncope, dizziness, palpitations, where a cause other than arrhythmia has been identified but symptoms persist despite treatment.

Among asymptomatic patients:

  • Patients with newly diagnosed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
  • Patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and left ventricular ejection fraction < 35%,
  • Patients with congenital heart or connective tissue defects,
  • Patients with genetically determined channelopathies that predispose to sudden, life-threatening arrhythmias,
  • Patients with previously diagnosed idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as a part of a follow-up study repeated every year in high-risk patients, and every 3-5 years in other patients,
  • Asymptomatic pregnant women with a history of arrhythmia in the period before pregnancy,
  • Families of patients with genetically determined channelopathies (risk assessment).

Offer in preparation

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Telemedicine is an innovative approach that combines knowledge and medical equipment with ICT technologies, enabling research, monitoring and treatment at the patient's home. This solution finds a special place in the care of chronically ill patients, e.g. those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

It was found that improving self-monitoring of COPD symptoms by the patient reduces the frequency of hospitalizations caused by exacerbation of the disease and facilitates the monitoring of proper convalescence, thus contributing to slowing down the disease’s progress and improving the patient's quality of life.

Contact with hospitals and clinics, which is difficult during the pandemic, should not be problematic for pulmonary patients - who are particularly at risk of severe COVID-19 course.

Advantages of telemonitoring for a COPD patient:

  • It enables patients to have greater control over the disease and their own lives by maintaining independence at home thanks to constant, round-the-clock monitoring,
  • It allows access from home to services that were previously only available in a hospital or specialist clinic,
  • Reduces the need for visits to the hospital or doctor's office, thus saving time and travel costs and minimizing epidemiological risk,
  • Supports long-term disease management at home,
  • The technology can be adapted to the individual needs of the patient, e.g. by adding additional options depending on the patient's preferences, the stage of the disease, and comorbidities,
  • Provides better access to services in distant places,
  • It lowers the cost of healthcare and solves the problem of too few health care workers.

Offer in preparation